CL-USER> (describe 'gensym) COMMON-LISP:GENSYM [symbol] GENSYM names a compiled function: Lambda-list: (&OPTIONAL (SB-IMPL::THING "G")) Declared type: (FUNCTION (&OPTIONAL (OR (VECTOR CHARACTER) (VECTOR NIL) BASE-STRING UNSIGNED-BYTE)) (VALUES SYMBOL &OPTIONAL)) Derived type: (FUNCTION (&OPTIONAL (OR (VECTOR CHARACTER) (VECTOR NIL) UNSIGNED-BYTE BASE-STRING)) (VALUES SYMBOL &OPTIONAL)) Documentation: Creates a new uninterned symbol whose name is a prefix string (defaults to "G"), followed by a decimal number. Thing, when supplied, will alter the prefix if it is a string, or be used for the decimal number if it is a number, of this symbol. The default value of the number is the current value of *gensym-counter* which is incremented each time it is used. Source file: SYS:SRC;CODE;SYMBOL.LISP