- Please introduce yourself. What is your most favorite PC/video game? Hello everyone! I'm Shinmera. I've been making games ever since I was a small kid. My favourite game at the moment is still NieR:Automata. The world Yoko Taro and his team have created is really wonderful, and I could get lost in it for hours. - Why did you start developing this game? When I started I had just finished playing Celeste. I was really fascinated by it and decided to start making a larger game with the same movement mechanics as Celeste as its basis. The game has changed a lot since then, but the Celeste inspiration is still strong. I also wanted to make a bigger game to test the limits of the game engine I had developed during university. - What is/are interesting/unique in the game? Kandria is a bit of an odd mix of a lot of different games. I think the most unique aspect is that you start out with all of the movement abilities unlocked, so you can explore the entire game world right from the beginning. We've also made sure that you can do a lot of the game's quests out of order, to allow you to explore the game more freely. - Whom would you like to play this game? What kind of people is your target? People with an interest in challenging platforming and a strong atmosphere. We really wanted to make sure that you can get lost in the world as you go exploring, fish, and go on quests. The music, lighting, and everything works to support that. Even if you don't like challenging platforming much, you might still enjoy the game. We've added a lot of options to let you change the difficulty to your liking so you can still enjoy the atmosphere and story! - Is the game inspired by any other games/movies/etc.? As mentioned, Celeste was the initial inspiration for the platforming. Since then a lot of influence has also come from NieR:Automata for the general feeling of the world and the music. We've also taken a lot of inspiration from Another World (Out Of This World) for the art style. I'm sure there's countless other games and works that have subtly influenced the game, but I couldn't name anything in particular. - (If not yet) Do you have a plan to support the Japanese language? If you accept fan translation, who should we contact? I would love to have the game translated into Japanese! Unfortunately since we are such a tiny team we currently don't have the funds to translate it into other languages. We would love to help in whatever way we can for fans to translate the game, though. You can contact us at shirakumo@tymoon.eu or on our Discord at https://kandria.com/discord or even on GitHub where the source code of the game is available: https://github.com/shirakumo/kandria - Has COVID-19 affected the development? Before Covid started I was still studying in university and only worked on Kandria in my free time. Then in summer of 2020 I decided to drop out and go full time with development. Soon after I also hired more team members on to help with the game. If Covid hadn't happened, I'm not sure if I would have taken the jump to start developing games full time so soon. - Is it okay to stream the game and monetize it? (on YouTube, Twitch, etc.) Of course! Ever since the launch I've been watching people play the game on Twitch and have lost many hours of sleep because of that, ha ha! 日本語はまだまだですけど日本語のゲームプレービデオを絶対見たい! - Please leave a message for Japanese readers. みなさんこんにちは!日本のゲームと絵と漫画がたくさん大好きです。日本の文化が私に大きいなインスピレーションですよ。日本人も私のゲームが楽しみといいと思う。ところで、今年の「Tokyo Game Show」に行きます、楽しみです!