(defclass foo-class (standard-class) ()) (defmethod validate-superclass ((c foo-class) (s standard-class)) t) (defclass foo-object (standard-object) ()) (defmethod shared-initialize :around ((class foo-class) slot-names &rest rest &key direct-superclasses) (apply #'call-next-method class slot-names :direct-superclasses (append (remove (find-class 'standard-object) direct-superclasses) (list (find-class 'foo-object))) rest)) (defmethod update-instance-for-redefined-class :before ((instance foo-object) added-slots discarded-slots property-list &rest initargs) (error 'type-error :datum 2 :expected-type 'keyword)) (defclass foo () () (:metaclass foo-class)) (defparameter *foo* (make-instance 'foo)) (defclass foo () ((slot :initform 42)) (:metaclass foo-class)) ;; the below results in TYPE-ERROR, as expected (print (slot-value *foo* 'slot)) ;; ...but after this is evaluated once and the ABORT restart is picked... ;; ...this results in UNBOUND-SLOT, *NOT* a TYPE-ERROR (print (slot-value *foo* 'slot))