Finished running tests. Status: Expected failure: float.pure.lisp / (SCALE-FLOAT-OVERFLOW BUG-372) Expected failure: float.pure.lisp / (ADDITION-OVERFLOW BUG-372) Expected failure: float.pure.lisp / (ADDITION-OVERFLOW BUG-372 TAKE-2) Expected failure: hash.pure.lisp / SXHASH-ON-DISPLACED-STRING Expected failure: selfbuild-output.pure.lisp / MAKE-LIST-%MAKE-LIST-NOT-CALLED Expected failure: block-compile.impure.lisp / BLOCK-DEFCONSTANT-HAIRY-EQNESS-TEST Expected failure: compiler.impure.lisp / BUG-308921 Expected failure: debug.impure.lisp / (TRACE ENCAPSULATE NIL) Expected failure: debug.impure.lisp / (TRACE ENCAPSULATE NIL RECURSIVE) Expected failure: dynamic-extent.impure.lisp / DX-COMPILER-NOTES Expected failure: fopcompiler.impure.lisp / FOPCOMPILER-DEPRECATED-VAR-WARNING Expected failure: full-eval.impure.lisp / INLINE-FUN-CAPTURES-DECL Skipped (broken): gethash-concurrency.impure.lisp / (HASH-TABLE UNSYNCHRONIZED) Expected failure: packages.impure.lisp / USE-PACKAGE-CONFLICT-SET Expected failure: packages.impure.lisp / IMPORT-SINGLE-CONFLICT Skipped (broken): threads.impure.lisp / BACKTRACE Expected failure: walk.impure.lisp / (WALK MULTIPLE-VALUE-BIND) Expected failure: walk.impure.lisp / (WALK MULTIPLE-VALUE-BIND SPECIAL) Invalid exit status: (60 tests skipped for this combination of platform and features) test failed, expected 104 return code, got 1