;;;; HIPSTER SIMULATOR 2014 ;;;; By Isoraqathedh Zorethan ;;;; A Common Lisp implmentation of the hipster model as seen in http://arxiv.org/abs/1410.8001. (defpackage info.isoraqathedh.hipster-simulator (:use :cl) (:nicknames :hipster-simulator)) (in-package :hipster-simulator) ;;; When seeing the development of the town, we need to repeat things a lot. (defmacro repeat (times &body body) `(loop repeat ,times do (progn ,@body))) ;;; Classes (defclass hipster-town-snapshot () ((ticks :initform 0 :initarg :time :accessor ticks :documentation "Ticks that have passed since the founding of this town.") (population :initform nil :initarg :population :accessor population :documentation "List of everyone who lives in the town, marked by their clothing choice.") (styles :initarg :styles :accessor styles :documentation "Available styles. Styles are always represented by characters.") (hipsterish-tendency :initarg :hipsterish-tendency :accessor hipsterish-tendency :documentation "How likely would any inidividual be nonconformist at any given time.")) (:documentation "A hipster town at a particular time.")) (defclass hipster-town-delay (hipster-town-snapshot) ((period :initform 2 :initarg :period :accessor period :documentation "How long before the individuals know the clothing choice of their peers, measured in ticks.") (history :initarg :history :accessor town-history :documentation "The last iterations of the simulation, for use in computing certain future iterations."))) ;;; Class constructors (defun generate-random-town (population styles) "Generates a random town of n people with the given vector of styles." (mapcar #'(lambda (a) (declare (ignore a)) (aref styles (random (length styles)))) (make-list population))) (defun build-new-town (population &key (hipsterish-tendency 2/3) (styles #(#\# #\.))) "Builds a new town with a population of population, seeding with the two types of clothes." (make-instance 'hipster-town-snapshot :population (generate-random-town population styles) :styles styles :hipsterish-tendency hipsterish-tendency)) (defun build-delayed-town (population period &key (hipsterish-tendency 2/3) (styles #(#\# #\.))) (make-instance 'hipster-town-delay :population (generate-random-town population styles) :period period :history (make-array (list period)) :hipsterish-tendency hipsterish-tendency :styles styles)) (defmethod initialize-instance :after ((instance hipster-town-delay) &key) (setf (aref (town-history instance) (mod (ticks instance) (period instance))) (population instance))) ;;; Common class methods (defmethod print-object ((object hipster-town-snapshot) stream) (with-accessors ((ticks ticks) (population population) (tendency hipsterish-tendency) (styles styles)) object (print-unreadable-object (object stream :type t) (format stream "~a ~4,2f%-hipsters with styles ~a @ t = ~a" (length population) (* tendency 100) (coerce styles 'list) ticks)))) (defmethod print-object ((object hipster-town-delay) stream) (with-accessors ((ticks ticks) (population population) (tendency hipsterish-tendency) (styles styles) (period period)) object (print-unreadable-object (object stream :type t) (format stream "~a ~4,2f%-hipsters with styles ~a, period ~a @ t = ~a" (length population) (* tendency 100) (coerce styles 'list) period ticks)))) ;;; Other methods ;;; Methods pertaining to direct simulation (defun true-with-probability (probability) (assert (<= 0 probability 1) (probability)) (< (random 1.0) probability)) (defgeneric style-popularity (town &optional delete-1-stat) (:documentation "Determines the popularity of each style in the town.") (:method ((town hipster-town-snapshot) &optional delete-1-stat) (loop with stats = (loop for style across (styles town) collect (cons style (if (eql style delete-1-stat) -1 0))) for i in (population town) do (incf (cdr (assoc i stats))) finally (return (sort stats #'< :key #'cdr)))) (:method ((town hipster-town-delay) &optional delete-1-stat) (call-next-method (make-instance 'hipster-town-snapshot :styles (styles town) :population (aref (town-history town) (mod (1+ (ticks town)) (period town)))) delete-1-stat))) (defgeneric deconform (town) (:documentation "Simulates the selection of styles of all hipsters. In this case, they will attempt at random any style on the less popular half of the style.") (:method ((town hipster-town-snapshot)) (mapcar #'(lambda (style-of-self) (cond ((true-with-probability (hipsterish-tendency town)) (let ((candidate-styles (nbutlast (style-popularity town style-of-self) (ceiling (/ (length (styles town))) 2)))) (car (nth (random (length candidate-styles)) candidate-styles)))) ((true-with-probability 10/11) style-of-self) (t (aref (styles town) (random (length (styles town))))))) (population town))) (:method ((town hipster-town-delay)) (mapcar (if (numberp (aref (town-history town) (mod (1+ (ticks town)) (period town)))) ;; While the history fills up, randomly wander, changing fashions 1/6 of the time #'(lambda (style-of-self) (if (true-with-probability 1/6) (aref (styles town) (random (length (styles town)))) style-of-self)) ;; After that, proceed as normal #'(lambda (style-of-self) (cond ((true-with-probability (hipsterish-tendency town)) (let ((candidate-styles (nbutlast (style-popularity town style-of-self) (ceiling (/ (length (styles town))) 2)))) (car (nth (random (length candidate-styles)) candidate-styles)))) ((true-with-probability 10/11) style-of-self) (t (aref (styles town) (random (length (styles town)))))))) (population town)))) (defgeneric tick (town) (:documentation "Nondestructively returns the next iteration of the simulation.") (:method ((town hipster-town-snapshot)) (make-instance 'hipster-town-snapshot :time (1+ (ticks town)) :population (deconform town) :styles (styles town) :hipsterish-tendency (hipsterish-tendency town)))) (defgeneric tick! (town) (:documentation "Destructively modifies a snapshot to become the next iteration of the simulation.") (:method ((town hipster-town-snapshot)) (setf (population town) (deconform town)) (incf (ticks town))) (:method :after ((town hipster-town-delay)) (setf (aref (town-history town) (mod (ticks town) (period town))) (population town)))) ;;; Reporting methods (defgeneric print-population (town &key stream limit specific-style) (:documentation "Prints out the first [limit] members in the population along with a generation number wearing the given style if non-nil.") (:method ((town hipster-town-snapshot) &key (stream t) limit specific-style) (with-accessors ((age ticks) (members population)) town (if specific-style (format stream "~&~3d: ~{~a~}~:[~;…~]" age (mapcar #'(lambda (a) (if (char-equal specific-style a) specific-style #\Space)) (subseq members 0 limit)) limit) (format stream "~&~3d: ~{~a~}~:[~;…~]" age (subseq members 0 limit) limit))))) (defgeneric print-popularity (town &key stream limit) (:documentation "Prints out the first [limit] styles and its percentage popularity, along with a genreation number.") (:method ((town hipster-town-snapshot) &key (stream t) limit) (with-accessors ((age ticks) (members population) (styles styles)) town (format stream "~&~3d: " age) (loop for i across styles for j from 0 below (or limit (length styles)) do (format stream "~20@<~a ~7,2f%~>" i (/ (count-if #'(lambda (a) (char-equal i a)) members) (length members) 1/100))))))