(cl:in-package #:sicl-data-and-control-flow) (define-setf-expander values (&environment environment &rest places) (let ((result-temporaries '()) (result-value-forms '()) (result-store-variables '()) (result-storing-form '(values)) (result-accessing-form '(values))) (loop for place in places do (multiple-value-bind (temporaries value-forms store-variables storing-form accessing-form) (get-setf-expansion place environment) (setf result-temporaries (append result-temporaries temporaries ;; We add as temporaries store variables ;; beyond the first one. The standard ;; says that those store variables have ;; to be given the value NIL. (rest store-variables))) (setf result-value-forms (append result-value-forms value-forms ;; To assign NIL to those additional ;; store variables, we add the same ;; number of NILs to the end of the value ;; forms. (make-list (length (rest store-variables)) :initial-element nil))) (setf result-store-variables (append result-store-variables (if (null store-variables) '() (list (first store-variables))))) (setf result-storing-form (append result-storing-form (list storing-form))) (setf result-accessing-form (append result-accessing-form (list accessing-form))))) (values result-temporaries result-value-forms result-store-variables result-storing-form result-accessing-form)))