There is no applicable method for the generic function # when called with arguments (# # # #). [Condition of type SB-PCL::NO-APPLICABLE-METHOD-ERROR] See also: Common Lisp Hyperspec, 7.6.6 [:section] Restarts: 0: [RETRY] Retry calling the generic function. 1: [RETRY] Retry EVAL of current toplevel form. 2: [CONTINUE] Ignore error and continue loading file "/home/user/usr/src/MBuild/build-cold-image.lisp". 3: [ABORT] Abort loading file "/home/user/usr/src/MBuild/build-cold-image.lisp". 4: [RETRY] Retry SLIME REPL evaluation request. 5: [*ABORT] Return to SLIME's top level. --more-- Backtrace: 0: ((:METHOD NO-APPLICABLE-METHOD (T)) # # # (# # # # #) 11: (MEZZANO.COMPILER::CROSS-COMPILE-FILE "supervisor/debug.lisp" :OUTPUT-FILE #P"/home/user/usr/src/MBuild/Mezzano/build-arm64/supervisor/debug.llf" :VERBOSE NIL :PRINT NIL :EXTERNAL-FORMAT :DEFAULT :PAC.. 12: (MEZZANO.COLD-GENERATOR::MAYBE-COMPILE-FILE "supervisor/debug.lisp" # :FORCE NIL :PACKAGE NIL) 13: (MEZZANO.COLD-GENERATOR::LOAD-SOURCE-FILE # "supervisor/debug.lisp" :EVAL T :WIRED T :FORCE-RECOMPILE NIL :PACKAGE NIL) 14: (MEZZANO.COLD-GENERATOR::LOAD-SOURCE-FILES # ("supervisor/entry.lisp" ("supervisor/x86-64/cpu.lisp" :X86-64) "supervisor/interrupts.lisp" (.. 15: (MEZZANO.COLD-GENERATOR::SAVE-COLD-FILES #) 16: (MEZZANO.COLD-GENERATOR::CONFIGURE-SYSTEM #)