(defun read-form (forms-stream &optional (eof (gensym "FORMS-STREAM-EOF-"))) (handler-case (let ((*package* *current-package*) ) (read forms-stream nil eof nil)) (simple-error (e) (debugmsg *hlp-dbg-reader* "HLP form reader: " ; Just change this to FORMAT T "trying to read a form caused errors. ~? The result will be NIL, hence the form will be ignored.~2%" (simple-condition-format-control e) (simple-condition-format-arguments e)) nil) (error (e) ;; (describe e) ;; (finish-output) (debugmsg *hlp-dbg-reader* "HLP form reader: " "trying to read a form caused errors; most likely a missing package. The error is ~S. The result will be NIL, hence the form will be ignored.~2%" e) nil)))