; wrote C:/Users/Raptor/portacle/win/asdf/cache/SBCL-1.4.16-Win32-X86-64/C/Users /Raptor/portacle/projects/furcadia-post-splitter/furcadia-post-splitter-tmp9OZEQ 0G2.fasl ; compilation finished in 0:00:00.422 ==> Gathering system information. -> Will load the following foreign libs on boot: NIL ==> Deploying files to C:/Users/Raptor/portacle/projects/furcadia-post-splitter /bin/ ==> Running build hooks. -> Will load the following smoke modules on boot: (:QTCORE :QTGUI) -> Calling Qtools build hooks. -> Pruning the image. -> Closing foreign library #. -> Closing foreign library #. -> Closing foreign library #. -> Closing foreign library #. -> Closing foreign library #. -> Closing foreign library #. ==> Dumping image to C:/Users/Raptor/portacle/projects/furcadia-post-splitter/b in/raptor-splitter.exe [undoing binding stack and other enclosing state... done] [performing final GC... done] [saving current Lisp image into C:\Users\Raptor\portacle\projects\furcadia-post- splitter\bin\raptor-splitter.exe: writing 5968 bytes from the read-only space at 0000000020000000 compressed 65536 bytes into 2465 at level -1 writing 2160 bytes from the static space at 0000000020110000 compressed 65536 bytes into 866 at level -1 writing 64028672 bytes from the dynamic space at 0000001000000000 compressed 64028672 bytes into 14686239 at level -1 done]