LAB1> (let ((ht nil)) (maphash-keys #'(lambda (x) (push x ht)) # ) (values (equals (nth 1 ht) (nth 10 ht)) (= (hash-program (nth 1 ht)) (hash-program (nth 10 ht))))) => T T ; Two objects which hash-program the same and are equals are still put into different slots, what? ; (make-hash-table :test #'equals) <- creation of the hash-table ;; Some code: (defun hash-program (program) "Clearly gives same hash for equal programs. Don't know about collisions though" (when (not (eq (type-of program) 'program)) (error "Tried to hash something which wasn't a program!")) (let (keys vals) (maphash (lambda (k v) (push k keys) (push v vals)) (b-map (s program))) (apply #'logxor (sxhash (c program)) (sxhash (e program)) (sxhash (valid? (s program))) (append (mapcar #'sxhash keys) (mapcar #'sxhash vals))))) ;; generic-function EQUALS defined recursively over structures, hash-tables, lists. Defaults to EQUAL if args are not specialized upon (sb-ext:define-hash-table-test equals hash-program)