;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;x-control-package.asd ;;;;package definition (in-package #:asdf-user) (asdf:defsystem "X-control" :description "Backend for my X-Control app" :name "X-control" :author "me" :version "0.0" :license "The this is is mine license" :depends-on (#:clx #:usocket #:cl-json #:safe-queue #:bordeaux-threads) :pathname "src" :serial t :components ((:file "package") (:file "configuration") (:file "queues") (:file "x-control") (:file "commands") (:file "networking/tcp-handler") (:file "networking/udp-handler") (:file "server"))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;load-program.lisp (defun load-up () (asdf:load-asd "/home/josh/documents/lisp/programs/x-control/x-control-package.asd") (asdf:load-system "X-control")) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; I run (load-up) at sly repl and all functions normally: https://imgur.com/E5EFJQ7.png ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;save-image.lisp (defun load-up () (asdf:load-asd "/home/josh/documents/lisp/programs/x-control/x-control-package.asd") (asdf:load-system "X-control")) (defun save () (load-up) (in-package #:x-control) (save-lisp-and-die "server" :executable t :compression 9)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;dumping the image * (load "save-image.lisp") T * (save) ; file: /home/josh/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/usocket-0.8.1/usocket.asd ; in: DEFMETHOD PERFORM (TEST-OP (EQL (FIND-SYSTEM :USOCKET))) ; (ASDF/OPERATE:OOS 'ASDF/LISP-ACTION:LOAD-OP #:USOCKET-SERVER) ; ; caught WARNING: ; undefined variable: #:USOCKET-SERVER ; (ASDF/OPERATE:OOS 'ASDF/LISP-ACTION:TEST-OP #:USOCKET-TEST) ; ; caught WARNING: ; undefined variable: #:USOCKET-TEST ; (ASDF/OPERATE:OOS 'ASDF/LISP-ACTION:LOAD-OP #:USOCKET-TEST) ; ; caught WARNING: ; undefined variable: #:USOCKET-TEST ; ; compilation unit finished ; Undefined variables: ; #:USOCKET-SERVER #:USOCKET-TEST #:USOCKET-TEST ; caught 3 WARNING conditions [undoing binding stack and other enclosing state... done] [performing final GC... done] [defragmenting immobile space... 1050+20700+1293+1465+25488+20707 objects... done] [saving current Lisp image into server: writing 0 bytes from the read-only space at 0x20000000 compressed 0 bytes into 8 at level 9 writing 704 bytes from the static space at 0x20100000 compressed 32768 bytes into 359 at level 9 writing 36470784 bytes from the dynamic space at 0x1000000000 compressed 36470784 bytes into 8060456 at level 9 writing 2187264 bytes from the immobile space at 0x20300000 compressed 2195456 bytes into 586139 at level 9 writing 15037872 bytes from the immobile space at 0x21b00000 compressed 15040512 bytes into 4512157 at level 9 done] ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;how ./server behaves https://imgur.com/NJKZlWM.png ;;;;;;;error seems to be with move-mouse in x-control.lisp idk why it doesn't work from server