(defmacro define-tuple (class-name parents slots &optional documentation) "This is just to save my hands, since Netfarm class slots are mostly disjoint and have the same printer basically. CLASS-NAME is the name of the slot, PARENTS should be called DIRECT-SUPERCLASSES to be accurate, SLOTS are a modified slot description list, and DOCUMENTATION is the docstring. SLOTS takes the form (name . plist), where plist contains: - :READER, the reader/setter of the slot (defaults to CLASS-SLOT like DEFSTRUCT), - :READ-ONLY, truthy if the slot should be read-only, - :INITARG, the keyword argument, - :INITFORM, the default value. This generates the DEFCLASS form, and a method on PRINT-OBJECT." (let ((not-found (gensym "NOT-FOUND")) (slot-alist nil)) (flet ((getf-or-default (list value &optional default) (let ((value (getf list value not-found))) (if (eql value not-found) default value)))) `(progn (defclass ,class-name ,parents ,(loop for (name . arguments) in slots for reader-name = (or (getf arguments :reader) (intern (format nil "~a-~a" class-name name))) do (push (cons name reader-name) slot-alist) collect `(,name :initarg ,(getf-or-default arguments :initarg (intern (symbol-name name) 'keyword)) :initform ,(getf-or-default arguments :initform `(error ,(format nil "~a is required" name))) ,(if (getf arguments :read-only) :reader :accessor) ,reader-name)) ,@(unless (null documentation) (list (list :documentation documentation)))) (defmethod print-object ((object ,class-name) stream) (print-unreadable-object (object stream :type t :identity t) (pprint-logical-block (stream nil) ,@(loop for ((name . reader) . continuep) on (reverse slot-alist) collect `(progn (write-char #\: stream) (write-string ,(symbol-name name) stream) (write-char #\Space stream) (pprint-newline :miser stream) (prin1 (,reader object) stream) ,@(when continuep '((write-char #\Space stream) (pprint-newline :linear stream))))))))))))